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Showing posts from January, 2015

These 5 tips can help you fight against Dry Skin

Dry skin is always a problem for everyone and it's not limited to winter only as these days dry skin care in summer is also important, atmospheric changes come with humidity and dampness that can bring skin dryness and unnecessary pimple growth on your face. There are several reasons for Skin dryness like cold winds or air, hot drinks and one of the biggest reason for dry skin is ultraviolet radiation (UV). The combination of low humidity and cold weather means many people suffer from dry skin in the winter and spend a lot of money and time in spa to get over it, but what if a few common remedies for dry skin can get you a glowing moisturized skin? Here is some home remedies for dry skin to give you an attractive look: 1. Ditch the Hot Shower:- A hot shower feels oh so good on a cold day, but the hot water will dry your skin even more. lukewarm water is best. 2. Get Out of the Ivory Habit:- Soap will dry your skin. If you must use it, try some cream based body wash, which is ac